Friday, October 30, 2020

Outdoor Time: Why is It Important to You?

 I am collecting stories from kids and teachers in New Hampshire schools about how outdoor learning and spending time outdoors at school has affected them during the pandemic. Because many schools have increased outdoor time during COVID, it’s a great opportunity to see what kids think of being outdoors during the school day. 

There is a form that you can fill out if you want to submit a story, with parent’s permission. It simply asks you to introduce yourself (school, age, etc.) explain what you like about learning and spending more time outdoors, why it is important to you to be outdoors, and to include a drawing or photo if you want to.

Stories will be collected in a booklet and presented to New Hampshire legislators to show them that it is important to increase outdoor time at school.

New Hampshire lawmakers need to hear directly from kids about why spending more time outdoors during the school day is important. Your story will help lawmakers understand why they need to take action to help kids spend more time outdoors.

Fill out the form here!

Printable Version Here!

Every Vote Matters!

   Every Vote Matters!  In every election, every vote counts, even though you might not realize it. One vote could turn the tide of an elect...