Friday, March 20, 2020

Welcome to Spring!

Spring is here! The snow has melted, and with no school, it’s a great chance to be outside! If you can’t think of anything to do, here are a few suggestions:

Hiking- You can go for a stroll in the woods, and look out for wildlife and interesting things. Just the other day, I saw tadpoles swimming around! Another thing you can do while hiking is looking for vernal pools. They’re beautiful, but sometimes hard to find!

Biking- You can take your bike for a spin around the block, or you can even just ride it in your driveway! Some of you might even be able to do a bit of mountain biking, and do some of the things you can do while hiking! Not only is biking good exercise, It’s fun too!

Make something up- If you’re not feeling up to going anywhere, this might be a good activity! Get out some sports equipment and your thinking cap, and you can create an outdoor activity of your own.

Every Vote Matters!

   Every Vote Matters!  In every election, every vote counts, even though you might not realize it. One vote could turn the tide of an elect...